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  • 國防醫學院醫學士
  • 美國阿拉巴馬大學伯明罕醫學中心放射腫瘤部研究員


  • 三軍總醫院放射腫瘤部住院醫師及總醫師。
  • 三軍總醫院放射腫瘤部主治醫師。
  • 三軍總醫院放射治療科主任。
  • 三軍總醫院放射腫瘤部兼任主治醫師迄今(每星期二上午)。
  • 國防醫學院放射腫瘤學科兼任講師。
  • 國防醫學院放射腫瘤學科臨床教授
  • 國泰醫學中心放射腫瘤科主任。
  • 國泰醫學中心癌症防治中心主任
  • 台灣放射治療學會理事
  • 台灣癌症安寧緩和醫學會理事長
  • 台灣臨床腫瘤學會理事
  • 台灣熱治療學會理事


  • 吳錦榕:松果體瘤之放射治療。醫學研究5(3):1935-1940,1984.
  • 林光大、顏上惠、吳錦榕:超高能量放射線治療子宮頸癌後之性之功能。中華放射醫誌:9:191-197,1984.
  • Chih-Chung Su, Kuang -Tah Lin, Ching-Jung Wu, Sang-Hue Yen,Wen-Lin Hsu:Radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma:An analysis of 225 patients. J Med Sci(Chinese)9:45-54,1988.
  • 吳錦榕、林光大:放射線治療癌症之臨床應用。國防醫學雜誌7:335-340,1988.
  • Chin-Chung Su, Sang-Hue Yen, Ching-Jung Wu, Wen-Lin Hsu,Kuang-Tah Lin:Radiation therapy of brain stem tumor. Chinese J Radiol 13:313-319,1988.
  • Ching-Jung Wu,Wen-Lin Hsu, Sang-Hue Yen, Kuang-Tah Lin:Radiotherapy for recurrent cervical carcinoma after surgery.Chinese J Radiol 14:169-175,1989.
  • Wen-Sheng Huang、Ching-Jung Wu、Sang-Hue Yen,and Wei-Hwa Lee:腦部原發性惡性桿狀腫瘤-病例報告。醫學研究J Med Sci 10(1):55-60,1989.
  • 熊佩韋,許文林,吳錦榕:癌病治療的另一武器----高熱治療。國防醫學雜誌11:305-311,1990.
  • Pei-Wei Shueng, Ching-Jung Wu, Wen Lin Hsu:Primary sphenoid sinus cancer-A case report. J Med Sci(Chinese)11:481-486,1991.
  • 吳錦榕,許文林:直腸腺癌的放射線治療。國防醫學雜誌12:256-266,1991.
  • 熊佩韋,吳錦榕,許文林:非小細胞肺癌的腦部預防性放射治療。國防醫學雜誌13:59-62,1991.
  • 吳錦榕,許文林:合併放射線和手術治療的原則。國防醫學雜誌13:533-539,1991.
  • 熊佩韋,吳錦榕,許文林:鼻腔與副鼻竇癌的放射線治療。國防醫學雜誌13:543-550,1991.
  • 吳錦榕,許文林:原發處未明之頸部淋巴結轉移癌之治療。國防醫學雜誌13:557-563,1991.
  • 任益民,吳錦榕,許文林:腮腺癌與放射治療。國防醫學雜誌13:564-565,1991.
  • 熊佩韋,吳錦榕,許文林:下咽癌的放射線治療。國防醫學雜誌13:566-573,1991.
  • 熊佩韋,顏上惠,許文林,吳錦榕:良性疾病的放射治療。國防醫學雜誌14:84-88,1992.
  • 熊佩韋,吳錦榕,許文林:軟組織肉瘤預後因子之探討。國防醫學雜誌14:170-174,1992.
  • 熊佩韋,吳錦榕,許文林:低惡性等級非何杰金氏淋巴瘤的放射線治療。國防醫學雜誌14:243-248,1992.
  • 吳錦榕,許文林:輻射線之認識及其導癌之預防。國防醫學雜誌14:306-312,1992.
  • Wen-Lin Hsu, Rom-Pin Shih, Mann-Tchac Wang, Chih-Chung Su,Ching-Jung Wu, Pei-Wei Shueng:Investigation of general purposed X-ray Machines. J Med Sci (Chinese)12:336-345,1992.
  • Pei-Wei Shueng, Wen-Lin Hsu, Ching-Jung Wu, Sang -Hue Yen, Yee-Min Jen, Chih-Chung Su, Jing-Min Hwang, Kuang-Tah Lin:Role of radiation therapy in histiocytosis X. J Med Sci 12:358-363,1992.
  • Lin KT, Jen YM, Hsu WL, Wu CJ:Comparison of Treatment results of two different regimens of high daily dose radiotherapy for superior vena cava syndrome. Chinese J. Radiology 17(4):317-323,1992.
  • Yee-Min Jen, Wen-Lin Hsu, Ching-Jung Wu, Kuang-Ming Yang, Pei-Wei Shueng, Jing-Min Hwang, Li-Ping Chang:Using two Fractions per day in clinical radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal and non-small cell lung cancer:A tentative isoeffect dose calculation based on the LQ model and radiobiological and clinical information. Chinese J. Radiology 17(4)325-335,1992.
  • 熊佩韋,許文林,,吳錦榕,顏上惠,任益民,蘇志中,林光大:輸卵管癌的手術後放射線治療:治療照野與治療失敗部位的關係。中華癌醫會誌9(2),2-7,1993.
  • Yee-Min Jen, Wen-Lin Hsu, Ching-Jung Wu, San-Hue Yen, Pei-Wei Shueng, Chih-Chung Su, Jing-Min Hwang:Pose-orchiectomy Radiotherapy as an effective and safe adjuvant therapy for patients of stage I testicular seminoma. Chinese J. Radiology 19(1):5-10,1994.
  • Wen-Lin Hsu, Rom-Pin Shin, Pei-Wei Shueng, Chih-Chung Su, Ching-Jung Wu, Kuang-Tah Lin. The temperature distribution in hyperthermia treatment. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 1(4):335-343,1994.
  • Wen-Lin Hsu,Tung-Hao Chang, Yee-Min Jen, Jing-Min Hwang, Pei-Wei Shueng, Ching-Jung Wu, Chih-Chung Su. Twice daily low dose hemibody irradiation for multiple myeloma.Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 1(4):301-307,1994.
  • Wen-Lin Hsu, Chung Shih, Teen-Meei Wang, Ching-Jung Wu, Jing-Min Hwang. Effect of Cobalt-60 irradiation on osteogenesis. J Med Sci 15(3):191-210,1994.
  • Pei-Wei Shueng, Wen-Lin Hsu, Yee-Min Jen, Ching-Jung Wu. Induction chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer:A review. Therapeu. Radiol. Oncol. 2:107-113,1995.
  • Yee-Min Jen, Wen-Lin Hsu, Ching-Jung Wu, Pei-Wei Shueng, Chih-Chung Su, Jing-Min Hwang, Tung-Hao Chang. Hyperfractionated radiotherapy of lung cancer:Report of a pilot study. Therapeut. Radiol. Oncol. 2:123-129,1995.
  • Wen-Lin Hsu, Ching-Jung Wu, Yee-Min Jen, san-aaaaahue Yen,Kuang-Tah Lin, Luo-Ping Ger, Robert Y. Kim. Twice-per-day fractionated high VS. continuous low dose rate intracavitary therapy in the radical treatment of cervical cancer:A nonrandomized comparison of treatment results. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biolphys. 32(5):1425-1431,1995.
  • Wen-Lin Hsu, Pei-Wei Shueng, Yee-Min Jen, Ching-Jung Wu, Hang-Seng Liu, Chih-Chung Su, Jing-Min Hwang. Concurrent 5-Fluorouracil, Daily Low-Dose Cisplatin, and Radiotherapy in Stage IIIB Cervical Cancer;A Phase II Prospective Study. Am J Clin Ocol (CCT)19(3):263-267,1996.
  • Pei-Wei Shueng, M.D. Wen-Lin Hsu, M.D. Yee-Min Jen, Ph. D. Ching-Jung Wu, M.D. and Hang-Seng Liu, M.D. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Radiotherapy should ngo be a Standard Approach for Locally Advanced Cervical cancer Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. Vol. 40,pp.889-896,1998.
  • Yee-Min Jen, Yu-Ching Lin, Yi-Bing Wang, Wen-Lin Hsu, Ching-Jung Wu, Jing-Min Hwang, Pei-Wei Shueng, Li- Ping Chang, Chang-Ming Chen Effects of differentradiation therapy schemes on the salivary flow rate of NPC patients. …. Therapeut Radiol Oncol 1998;5:65-71.
  • 陳昌明、許文林、任益民、熊佩韋、吳錦榕、張立平、林曜祥:副鼻竇癌之放射治療---三軍總醫院之經驗。Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.Vol.5,No.3.P171-177,1998.
  • 吳錦榕、許文林:腦部轉移癌之治療。國防醫學雜誌30(1):45-48,2000.
  • 吳錦榕、孫述平、許文林、阮昭銘:電腦輔助設計三度空間真實表面數學模式於放射治療定位影像之應用。放射治療與腫瘤學7(2):89-96,2000.
  • A Phase Ⅱof Concurrent Weekly Cisplatin and Radiotherapy for Advanced,Recurrent Cervical Carcinoma andEarly Stage Cervical Carcinoma after Radical Hysterectomy with High Risk Factors
  • Chih-Ming Ho,M.D.1 Tsai-Yen Chien,M.D.1 Ching-Jung Wu,M.D.2,3 中華民國婦癌醫學雜誌;2:1-12,2001
  • Tsung-Hsien Lu; Suzun Shaw; Ching-Jung Wu; Jau-Ming Ruan; Tsing-Wen Chu; Ju-Ping Yeh; Chiu-Ping Peng; Pei-Chien Yu; 胸部固定器設計與臨床上之應用; 2002/03;9(1) 65-70
  • Suzun Shaw; Jing-Shan Huang; Shih-Hung Huang; Yung-Chien Huang; Chin-Ming Jeng; Ching-Jung Wu; Brain Necrosis as a Consequence of Reirradiation in Meningeal Hemangiopericytoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature; 2003/12; 10(4) 265-273
  • Ching-Jung Wu; Jing-Shan Huang; Pei-Chieh Yu; Su-Zun Shaw; Localized Three Dimensional Conformal Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy in Glioblastoma Multiforme Patients-CGH Experience; 2005/06;12(2) 125-135
  • C. J. Wu; S. P. Sun; S. Shaw; C. P. Peng; P. C. Yu; S. N. Chi; P. T. Chen; C. H. Lin; W. Y. Hsueh; M. C. Kuo; S. J. Chan; 快速成型技術直接製作放射治療填充物之效能評估; Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2008/06; 15(2) 139-147
  • Chun-Shu Lin; Yee-Min Jen; Wei-Yuan Nien; Chih-Hung Ku; Hsiu-Wen Lee; Chih-Yun Lin; Hsing-Lung Chao; Chang-Ming Chen; Wen-Yen Huang; Jing-Min Hwang; Ching-Jung Wu Comparing Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy with Conventional Tangential Technique in Treating Left-Sided Breast Cancer. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2008; 15(3) 181-188
  • 吳錦榕、蕭世禎、孫述平、江青芬、彭秋萍、游佩潔、紀淑妮、林家弘、薛文雅、粘心華、郭名傑、林群偉、張倩瑛:A solid full size virtual simulation environment with computer aided image registration nodule to calibrate the radiation treatment planning positioning procedure。 Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2010/03;17(1) 29-38 Accept in 2009
  • 林志鴻、張坤權、吳錦榕:Solitary Plasmacytoma of Bone;Journal of Cancer Research and Practice台灣癌症醫學雜誌VOL26 NO.2;P78-81 2010/04
  • 粘心華、吳錦榕、黃其晟、黃世鴻、蕭世禎:Radiation Recall Dermatitis; A Case Report and Review of Literature。Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2010/09;17(3) 237-243 Accept in 2009
  • 吳錦榕:如何加強肺癌治療的戰果?談肺癌放射線治療的現況;癌症新探2011/01NO.55;12-16
  • 林昆澤、吳錦榕、任益民、李美璇、黃文彥、陳昌明、趙興隆、林群書、蘇瑜富、林讓均:惡性星狀細胞瘤術後放療或合併放話聊治療結果之比較:三軍總醫院的經驗。Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.Vol.18. No.1.P37-45,2011.
  • 雷德、彭秋萍、吳錦榕:輻射造成的身體危害;癌症新探2011/07NO.57;19-21
  • 粘心華、吳錦榕、游佩潔、蕭世禎、李星怡、杜佩芝、彭秋萍、阮昭銘、曾景平、雷德:放射線治療資訊整合;Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2011; 18
  • 游佩潔、吳錦榕、雷德、蕭世禎、粘心華:Henschke近接治療裝療管於商用治療計畫與蒙地卡羅方法間的劑量分布比較; Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.Vol.19,No.3.P237-245, September 2012
  • Nan-Tsung Wang,Ching-Jung Wu, Shih-Humg Huang;Adjuvant radiotherapy for recurrent mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the orbit:A case report and review of literature ;Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology;Vol. 21, No. 2,P. 141-145, June 2014
  • 蕭世禎、粘心華、吳錦榕、雷德、蘇瑞芬、藍靜欣:3M Cavilon No-Sting Barrier Film or topical corticosteroid (mometasone furoate) for protection against radiation dermatitis: A clinical trial. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2015;114: 407-414
  • 李星怡、杜佩芝、游佩潔、雷德、蕭世禎、吳錦榕、粘心華:Patient-Specific CBCT Number Corrections for Cone Beam CT-Based Dose Calculations. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2015 ; 22(3): 199-209
  • 王南宗、蕭世禎、雷德、李星怡、吳錦榕:Palliative radiotherapy for the extensive skin metastasis of breast cancer : a case report and review of the literature. Therapeutic Radiology And Oncology 2015 ; 22(3): 239-247
  • 蔡有倫、游佩潔、雷德、蕭世禎、吳錦榕. Interrupted deep inspiration with respiratory gating (IDIRG): a novel radiotherapy technique designed for left breast cancer patients needing nodal irradiation and not tolerating deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH). Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology; 2016; 23(1):21-29
  • 蔡有倫、吳錦榕、蕭世禎、游佩潔、粘心華、雷德. Quantitative analysis of respiration-induced motion of each liver segment with helical computed tomography and 4-dimensional computed tomography. Radiation Oncology; 2018 Apr 2;13(1):59
  • 游佩潔、吳錦榕、蔡有倫、蕭世禎、宋時雨、雷德、粘心華. Dosimetric analysis of tangent-based volumetric modulated arc therapy with deep inspiration breath-hold technique for left breast cancer patients. Radiation Oncology; 2018; 13(1): 231
  • 游佩潔、吳錦榕、粘心華、雷德、蕭世禎、蔡有倫. Tangent-based volumetric modulated arc therapy for advanced left breast cancer. Radiation Oncology; 2018; 13(1): 236
  • 粘心華、彭秋萍、蔡有倫、游佩潔、宋時雨、雷德、吳錦榕、蕭世禎. Complicated respiratory motion analysis and new CT-based instruction model to enhance deep inspiration breath hold technique. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology; 2018 2:2
  • 蔡有倫、游佩潔、粘心華、宋時雨、官宜璇、吳錦榕. Radiation Dose in the Uterine Perforation by Tandem in 3-Dimensional Cervical Cancer Brachytherapy. Medical Dosimetry; 2019;44(4):e59-e63
  • 蔡有倫、游佩潔、雷德、蕭世禎、吳錦榕. Small bowel dose in subserosal tandem insertion during cervical cancer brachytherapy. Medical Dosimetry; 2020;45(3)):e1-e9



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